When you’re in Downtown Calgary come by for a chat

Are we a match?


Like pickle juice and whisky, some things just fit together (if you know, you know)

We’ll be a great partner for your project or company if:

  • You dig open & direct communication. Communication is key to hitting timelines and goals. Even in difficult conversations, we’ll always be direct and kind.

  • You don’t want to micromanage. We don’t want that either. We manage ourselves, and sometimes other teams too. Trust we’ll get the job done right, and if needed, refer to the point above.

  • You value excellence and safety. We’re known in the sector for our attention to detail and meticulous drawings. We don’t cut corners, especially if it will impact the safety of your operations and your people.

  • You’re willing to invest. We provide competitive rates, even for rush jobs. But we’re not the cheapest firm on the block. Let’s be honest. Those cheap guys suck anyway.


We prefer a phone call, so please dial

011 403 264 4004

We also respond to email, you can just fill this form or send an email directly to info@intidesigns.ca


Send postcards or visit us INTI Designs

Suite 1000, 207 9 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 1K3, Canada.

INTI Designs is trusted by petroleum, engineering and construction firms to deliver meticulous drawings that maximize safety and minimize bottlenecks

These smart businesses love outsourcing to INTI Designs

INTI is our one-stop-shop

“For many of our jobs we automatically price Cary’s team into our scope. I'm not interested in outsourcing overseas or even to other local firms. No one can handle the scope of the large projects we work on. He's my one-stop-shop.”

—Petroleum Equipment Manufacturer